Chef's knives

Indispensable in the kitchen and as individual as you are. The range of chef's knives is huge. Find out now which knife is right for you.

Chef's knives are among the most important and versatile knives in the rustic kitchen and are indispensable for the preparation of dishes with meat, fish and vegetables - our chef's knives are true all-rounders.

Made by hand

The Petromax chef's knives are made in Solingen and benefit from the centuries of experience of the cutlers. They are available in five versions: Petromax all-purpose knives, chef's knives, chopping knives, bread knives and carving knives.

Our chef's and kitchen knives at a glance

Chef's knives

Our range includes two different chef's knives. The version with a 20 cm long and 2 mm thick blade is ideal for precise cutting of meat and vegetables.

The second version, with a 17 cm long and 3 mm thick blade, is ideal for common tasks such as cutting herbs or filleting meat.

Both chef's knives are elaborately handcrafted, making each knife unique.

Bread knife

The bread knife cuts slices of bread, ciabattas and baguettes effortlessly with its 20 cm long
serrated blade.

Carving knife

With its impressive blade length of 24 cm, the
carving knife is the ideal choice for filleting fish or cutting wafer-thin
slices of meat.


The cleaver with 17 cm long steel blade is ideal for powerful cutting of meat and bones.
Due to its high weight, it can be used particularly powerfully.

All-purpose knife

With our all-purpose knife, you can experience the originality of outdoor cooking, as the 14 cm long and 2 mm thick blade cuts effortlessly through any ingredient.

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Which are the best chef's knives?

Die Messerstadt Solingen bietet einen guten Anlaufpunkt, weil hier seit dem 13. Jahrhundert der Ort ist, an dem Messer-, Schwert- und Scherenschmiede ihr Handwerk vervollkommnet haben. Durch die günstige Lage siedelten sich hier ab dem 13. Jahrhundert Härter, Schleifer, Schmiede und Schwertmacher an, die durch die Wasserkraft aus Wupper und Bächen ideale Bedingungen vorfanden. Die Kraft des Wassers konnte die Schleifsteine antreiben. In den Wäldern wurde das Holz geschlagen, um Erz zu schmelzen und durch den Rhein war ein Handelsweg garantiert. Dank geschickter Arbeitsteilung konnten die Messer in gleichbleibender Qualität und schneller Herstellung die Konkurrenz ausstechen – damals waren das die Messerhersteller in Sheffield, England. Diese versuchten ihre Produkte aufzuwerten, indem die deutschen Messer mit „Made in Germany“ betitelt wurden, sobald sie in Großbritannien eingeführt wurden. Heute ist diese Bezeichnung zu Recht ein Qualitätsmerkmal.

How much does a good chef's knife cost?

A chef's knife is available in different price ranges from cheap to expensive. Depending on the type of manufacture, the blade, the size, the material and many other factors, knives for cooking in the outdoor kitchen and at home are in the low double-digit range and can cost up to several hundred euros and more.

The high-quality chef's knives from Petromax, handmade in the blade city of Solingen and provided with an individual oxide coating. The special combination of stainless steel and hand-ground blade enables cutting, weighing and chopping of the highest quality. Dragon fans in particular will not want to do without the unmistakable design of the knives with embossed Petromax lettering in the blade and lasered dragon logo in the handle.

What material should the blade of the chef's knife be made of?

Petromax loves the material from which cast iron and knife blades are made: Steel. This contains less than 2.06 % carbon. Up to this carbon content, the metallic material can still be forged - after that it is too brittle and is referred to as cast iron.

Low carbon steel

Low carbon steel consists of metallic elements such as manganese and chromium, as well as non-metallic elements such as the carbon and silicon just described. Depending on the composition of these components, different types of properties are obtained for the chef's knife blades. Chromium, for example, makes the blade rust-resistant, molybdenum ensures low wear of the material and nickel increases strength and heat resistance. If carbon (up to 2.06%) and iron are mixed together, we speak of low-alloy steel, which is easy to harden, up to 65 HRC. Unfortunately, it rusts very quickly.

Steel with a high carbon content

In high-alloy steel, the chromium content is between 10.5 and 15%, which ensures that the steel is rustproof. To achieve better corrosion resistance, nickel, vanadium, molybdenum, manganese and niobium are added. Thanks to its good properties, stainless steel is highly recommended, as is the case with Petromax chef's knives. These have a hardness of 56 HRC, do not rust and are extremely sharp as they are oil-hardened and ground by hand. They are also easy to resharpen thanks to a grinding angle of 20°. Manufactured in the blade city of Solingen, they are the ideal companion for the versatile outdoor kitchen.

The Petromax knives are made of 4.116 knife steel, which is suitable for hunting and cooking knives that are often used in a humid environment. This steel grade has an HRC of 56. It is stainless steel for knives with a sharp edge that is easy to clean and stays sharp for a long time.

How long should the blade of a kitchen knife be?

The quality of the blade of a chef's knife depends on the food that is to be processed with it.

The long blade of a bread knife, equipped with a serrated edge with pointed teeth, is necessary because its length corresponds approximately to that of the bread. A knife with a smooth edge will also cut a slice of bread, but the serrated edge makes the cut easy, clean and even. Such a knife is therefore able to safely cut through the rather soft crumb.

The finer or more precise the cut, the shorter the blade. For a touring knife, which is used for decorating and garnishing, or for a filleting knife, a very short blade is required.

However, if a lot of force has to be applied, e.g. to cut bones and meat, a very short blade is suitable. If, however, a lot of force is required, e.g. to cut bones and meat, a heavy, firm blade such as that found on the Petromax cleaver. The 17 cm long blade, which has a steel thickness of 4 mm, supports the guidance of the cut with its weight. The ingredients are cut without effort.

Also thePetromax chef's knife is also suitable for the numerous tasks in the adventure kitchen, because with a blade length of 17 cm and a steel thickness of 3 mm, it has a comfortable weight in the hand, which is supported by the walnut handle.

ThePetromax All-Purpose Knife has a shorter blade of 14 cm and a thinner steel thickness of 2 mm. This is particularly suitable for cutting vegetables and fruit, as smaller, more precise cuts are required here. .

The blade length is therefore always optimally matched to the respective function of the knife and the area of application.

What length should I choose for my chef's knife?

It all depends on what you want to prepare!

A longer blade enables finer cutting, whether of meat or vegetables such as asparagus. We offer both a 17 cm long chef's knife with a thicker blade and a 20 cm long chef's knife with a thinner blade specifically for finer cutting work. For coarser work, we recommend our chopping knife, which is slightly shorter.

  1. In short, the choice of knife depends on your personal preferences and the intended use. Take a look at our entire range of knives, you'll find the right knife for every occasion!