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Repair & Recycling


Repair Fund requirement as established by Article 62 of the AGEC law in France and recently amended by the Decree No. 2024-123.

L’éco-participation finance la réparation.

Notre partenaire Refashion/Ecologic/Ecosystem propose le Bonus Réparation pour les produits Textiles, Linge de maison et Chaussures/Articles de Sport et Loisirs/Articles de Bricolage et de Jardinage thermiques/Electroniques.


Retrouvez les réparateurs labellisés et le montant des réductions du Bonus Réparation dans le cadre du fonds réparation.



Repair Fund requirement as established by Article 62 of the AGEC law in France and recently amended by the Decree No. 2024-123.

The eco-participation finances the repair.

Our partner Refashion/Ecologic/Ecosystem offers the Repair Bonus for Textiles, Household Linen and Shoes/Sports and Leisure Items/DIY and Gardening Items thermal/Electronics.

Find the certified repairers and the amount of the Repair Bonus reductions within the framework of the repair fund.

Link for Ecologic (Electronics, Sports and Leisure Articles, Thermal DIY and Gardening Articles)

Link for Ecosystem

Link for Refashion