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Feuer anzünden mit Anzündhilfe

Igniter and fuel

Burning aids such as coconut briquettes or even charcoal smoldering in the charcoal smolder: Here you will find everything you need to light your fire.

How many briquettes do I need for my Dutch oven? This is probably the most frequently asked question by Dutch oven newbies. In the oven, you can set the temperature with a regulator - when cooking outside with coals, the number of briquettes determines the heat in the Dutch Oven.

Important guiding principle for the right number of briquettes

There is an important guiding principle for regulating the temperature in a Firepot: You can always add more coals if the temperature is too low. However, if the pot gets too hot, the food is usually burnt. At the start of your career as an outdoor chef, slowly work your way up to the right temperature and always tend to start with fewer coals.

The right number of briquettes for different cooking methods

You can cook, bake and roast with a Dutch oven.

The distribution of charcoal on and under the Dutch oven changes depending on the type of preparation. The following rules of thumb apply:

When cooking, the heat mainly comes from below: One third of the briquettes are on top and two thirds of the briquettes are under the Dutch oven.
When baking, the heat comes mainly from above: two thirds of the briquettes are on top and one third under the Dutch oven.
When braising, the heat should be evenly distributed: Half of the briquettes go on top and the other half under the pot.
You only need bottom heat for roasting.

The right number of briquettes for the Petromax Atago

A strong colleague of our Dutch Ovens is the Atago. All Dutch ovens up to size ft9 are perfectly enclosed by the Atago and cook with optimum heat yield under the protection of the double-walled construction. Compared to other fire pits, around 20 percent fewer conventional coals are required to reach the desired temperature.

The savings are even greater if you combine the Atago with the air circulation dome: the fibers shield the heat under the hood so that you no longer need any briquettes at the top. Simply place the convection dome on top of the Atago fitted with coals and Dutch Oven and you can cook, bake and braise without coals on the lid!

The right number of briquettes for the different fire pot sizes

The number of briquettes varies depending on the size of the Dutch oven.

Important: Not only the size of the Dutch oven, but also the quality of the coal, the wind and the ambient temperature have an influence on the temperature in the Dutch oven. The table is therefore only a guide. Experience grows with every outdoor adventure!

Petromax Cabix Plus briquettes - Save coal the right way

Speziell für den Dutch Oven und jede gusseiserne Form bieten sich eckige Briketts an: Dank der großen Auflagefläche und der Luftzirkulation durch das Rillenprofil hast du einen geringeren Wärmeverlust als bei runden Kohlen, die nur eine geringe Auflagefläche haben. Petromax hat extra dafür die Cabix Plus entwickelt, eine Kokoskohle mit einer Brenndauer von bis zu vier Stunden.

Mit den Cabix Plus benötigst du eine circa 15-20% geringere Anzahl an Briketts!