Der ultimative Bärlauch-Guide: Alles was du wissen musst!
Wildkräuter-Spezial: Bärlauch richtig sammeln, lagern und in köstliche Gerichte verwandeln – mit Profi-Tipps und einfachen Rezepten!
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kuppelförmige Deckel-Innenseite mit Aroma-Profil
zwei seitliche Ausgießhilfen
für Eintöpfe, Fleisch und Fischgerichte sowie Soßen
bewährte Petromax Gußeisen-Qualität
passender Deckel und Stiel
Get maximum flavor with the c asserole
With the casserole, you have the handle in your hand and the flavor in the pot: The casserole with a flat base is a cast-iron pot with a matching lid and handle, which makes it easier for you to handle over an open fire or on the stove. This pot offers double the flavor: on the one hand, dishes prepared in cast iron pots develop a characteristic flavor, as the natural taste of the ingredients is retained, and on the other hand, the lid scores with a flavor plus, the aroma profile.
The dome-shaped inside of the lid has been enhanced with a dot profile. These aroma dots increase the flavor intensity of your prepared food all by themselves: Rising steam condenses on the inside of the lid and is evenly released back into the pot thanks to the aroma profile. This preserves all the aromas created during the cooking process.
With the casserole, you can cook stews, meat and fish dishes as well as sauces of a special kind. You can roast, simmer, braise and cook flexibly in the casserole. With the two pouring aids on the sides, you can serve sauces with pinpoint accuracy and draining cooking water is also easy. Thanks to its practical dimensions, the casserole can easily accompany you on all your adventures. So you have full flavor wherever you are.
Scope of delivery
1 x Cast iron casserole with lid
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