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Robust und widerstandsfähig schützt die Kleidung von Petromax vor Wind, Kälte und Regen

Discover our range of high-quality outdoor clothing for every adventure

With a sporty cut and breathability, Petromax outdoor clothing masters your everyday life together with you. Get an overview now and take the step towards sustainable outdoor clothing. In contrast to synthetic materials, you can wear almost all fabrics of the Petromax outdoor clothing around the fire without hesitation. Natural, tightly milled fabrics such as loden are not susceptible to flying sparks and allow the smell of smoke to evaporate quickly after the adventure.

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Frequently asked questions about Petromax clothing

What does outdoor clothing mean?

What used to be known as sportswear or all-weather clothing is now known as outdoor clothing. This general collective term covers clothing that is particularly functional. It usually includes breathable, wind and water-repellent fabrics.

However, depending on the manufacturer and area of use, there are other criteria for outdoor clothing that can be decisive for your activities.

Petromax outdoor clothing should do one thing above all: support you in your active life situations with particularly natural material properties. If you attach particular importance to natural outdoor clothing, then you have come to the right place.

Petromax outdoor clothing always follows a natural and sustainable approach. In addition, it is made for outdoor use in the open air and around an open fire.

Therefore, Petromax outdoor clothing is breathable, wind and water repellent.

Which outdoor clothing is suitable for hiking?

For strenuous mountain and hiking tours, you need clothing that is light and comfortable against the skin. At the same time, it must be weatherproof, offer freedom of movement and allow good air circulation.

Petromax outdoor clothing is made for demands of this kind. With clothing made of Petromax Loden you benefit from natural materials that allow you to breathe. In addition, Petromax outdoor clothing can be ideally combined so that you can start your adventure flexibly adapted to the season and challenge.

Which detergent is suitable for outdoor clothing?

There are different types of fabric that fall into the category of outdoor fabrics. Each fabric has its own unique properties, so there are also differences in the care and washing process.

Petromax Loden is made of 100 % mulesing-free virgin wool and should therefore never be washed in the washing machine! Washing the loden is generally only necessary in exceptional cases, as coarse dirt can be easily brushed out and odours neutralized by airing.

For stubborn residues such as traces of grease or protein, we recommend thePetromax Bio-Handwaschmittel for material-friendly cleaning. Whether loden or other outdoor clothing: a look at the care labels gives you reliable advice on how to clean your hiking jacket and co.